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Prof Ibrahim A. Rufa’i


Functions of DRIP

The following are the functions of DRIP:

a)  Defining the research focus of the University in different disciplines;

b)  Initiating and supporting degree and non-degree research endeavours;

c)  Sourcing and management of research funds;

d)  Provision of guidelines and facilities for researchers;

e)  Patenting and keeping of copyrights; and

f)  Commercialisation/marketing of research output.


Objectives of DRIP

Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnership (DRIP) is charged with the responsibility of managing all issues related to research and its output. DRIP is governed by the Board of Research, Innovation and Partnership (BRIP).


Administrative Structure

The Directorate, headed by a Director, has three divisions each headed by a deputy director as follows:

a)  Division of Research and Publications,

b)  Division of Innovations and Incubation of Technology,

c)  Division of Partnerships.


Board of DRIP

The Board of Research, Innovation and Partnership (BRIP), shall be the governing body of the Directorate, and is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor (as shown in Figure 1) and Senate for the regulation of research activities in the University. The Board shall provide guidelines relating to research work, innovation and collaboration.


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Figure 1: Organizational Structure of DRIP



The membership of the board of Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnership shall include the following:

a)  Director, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnership (Chairman);

b)  The three Deputy Directors of DRIP;

c)  Deans representing each of the faculties in the University;

d)  One Member representing each of the research institutes, directorates and centres (the person so selected must not be below the rank of a Senior Lecturer);

e)  Two Professors elected by Senate as its representatives;

f)  Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies;

g)  Director of Academic Planning ; and

h)  Secretary, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnership.



The Board is a policy making organ and shall perform the following functions:

a)  scrutinise all research proposals-degree and non-degree oriented and ensure that

such proposals conform with the University research policy and guidelines;

b)  approve/disapprove research proposals as well as the quantum of funding and

recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor;

c)  advise the Vice-Chancellor/Senate on research activities, innovation and

partnership in the University;

d)  recommend to the senate, revised University policy or guidelines on the conduct

of research, innovation and partnership from time to time.

e)  consider Research Progress reports from researchers and approve release of funds

to researchers; and

f)  oversee the implementation of the University Research, Innovation and

Partnership Policy and submit an annual report to the Vice-Chancellor.


Faculty and Development Research Committees

The College/Centre/Faculty/Institute/ School Research Committees shall comprise the following:

a)  the Provost, Dean or Director of the relevant unit acts as Chairman;

b)  all Heads of Department in the relevant unit;

c)  faculty Research officer (with a PhD and should not be below the rank of Senior

Lecturer); and

d)  all Professors and Associate Professors in the relevant unit.

The membership of Departmental Research Committee comprises the following:

  1. the Head of Department as Chairman ;
  2. departmental Research officer (with a PhD and not below the rank of Senior lecturer);
  3. all Professors and Associate Professors in the Department;
  4. all lecturers in the department involved in research supervision at PG level (Provided they are not registered students).



There shall be in each department of the University a departmental research committee. The committee shall:

a)  receive applications for support/funding from prospective researchers in the

department and outside the department;

b)  assess applications/proposals and send its recommendations to the faculty

research committee;

c)  keep record of the departmental researches, funding and copyrights;

d)  update and appraise profiles of researchers in the department; and

e)  submit up to date record of reputable publication channels and citations of staff in

the department to the faculty research committee.


  • Standing Committees

  • Research Ethics Committees

  2. HREC
  3. STERC


  • Institutional Safety Committee

  1. IBSC
  2. ICSC
  3. IPSC



Degree Oriented Research DOR

Non-Degree Oriented Research NDOR


  • Invention
  • Innovation
  • Software


  • Invention
  • Innovation
  • Software

TETFund Progress Report Template

  • Institution Based Research IBR
  • NFR

TETFund Final Report Template

  • Institution Based Research IBR
  • NFR


Policy Documents

Research Policy

Intellectual Property Policy

Authorship Policy

U S P Policy